Site de danses folkloriques
Tél. +32/(0)496/92.03.08


ORIGINE : Ecosse
Square of 4 couples, man with his partner on his right.
Part 1 :
1. Circle left all the way. (16)
2. Circle right all the way. (16)
3. Swing your partner. (16)
4. Promenade your partner in an anticlockwise direction round the square and back to place. (16)
Part 2 :
1. First couple walk across the set and split the opposit couple, separate and walk round the outside of the square in opposite directions and go back to place. (16)
2. First couple make an arch with inside hands (man's right , lady's left). They walk in an anticlockwise direction with the man on the inside of the square, and the lady on the outside, and take the arch over the other couples and then go back to place. (16)
3. Everybody Do si do your partner.(8)
4. Everybody Do si do your corner (The lady on the man's left). (8)
5. Everybody Swing your partner. (16)
Part 3 :
2nd couple do as in part 2.
Part 4 :
3rd couple do as in part 2.
Part 5 :
4th couple do as in part 2.
Part 6 :
Repeat part 1.
Part 1 and 6 :
- Circle left (16)
- Circle right (16)
- Swing your partner. (16)
- Promenade your partner (16)
Part 2 - 5 :
- x couple split opposit, separate, and go back to place. (16)
- x couple make an arch and bridge the other couples. (16)
- Do si do your partner.(8)
- Do si do your corner. (8)
- Swing your partner. (16)

Source : Folk Dancing for Fun

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